Grow Your Business Globally - Sarah at Google London

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Sarah was a guest speaker at a recent Google London event ‘Grow Your Business Globally’ to encourage UK-based businesses to take advantage of the opportunity to export digitally to billions of customers around the world.

Sarah presented a game changing session on ‘The International Digital Journey and Strategy’ the new Google London office. The audience were able to find out if they had the potential to grow their businesses online and expand their operations globally. More presentations from Tulio at Google, Steve at Push, Santander and many other Google Partners followed.

These are some of our top takeaways:

  • Ignore digital at your peril – go digital or go bust!

  • Google says there are going to be 5 billion more internet users by 2020

  • There are some cool tools from Google, like Google Trends, The Customer Barometer and the Google Market Finder to help you find the best online markets to explore

  • Santander say that one of the biggest reasons why companies don’t export is because they don’t know which country to select

  • A well-run targeted Google AdWords campaign can transform your business

  • Trinca-Ferro have grown a pure online business 10 x into five countries in 2 years using digital (and a bit of advice from us!).

And we got some great feedback from our clients:

Morning Sarah, thanks so much for the Grow Your Business Globally event yesterday. When I arrived, my aim was to see if as a business we were ‘missing a trick’ with our global marketing – I came away realising we are missing the whole card game!! The event was very informative, well organised, in a terrific venue with very interesting speakers – thank you! Both you and Tulio have inspired us and we are already looking to see what we can implement. Thanks again Sarah, it was a terrific event yesterday.”


Grow Global

We show businesses with international ambitions to grow globally using digital channels.


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